親親毛寶貝抽筋不害怕 毛爸毛媽注意篇 (三) 有關於甲狀腺

以下的文張取自 Dr. Dodds 的網站
Dr. Dodds 有關狗癲癇的原文

Check Thyroid Function

Low thyroid function, known as hypothyroidism, can precipitate or aggravate existing seizure disorders. While the exact mechanism of how this works is unknown, it may relate to the important role thyroid hormones play in cellular metabolism of the central nervous system. In some cases, simply giving a hypothyroid dog the appropriate levels of thyroid medication reduces the severity and frequency of the seizures, and may even stop them altogether. If a dog has seizures, it’s important that he has a full thyroid antibody test profile run including Total T4, Free T4, Total T3, Free T3, and Canine Thyroglobulin Autoantibody (TgAA). T3 Autoantibody (T3AA) and T4 Autoantibody (T4AA) can also be added. Since many veterinarians do not fully understand how to properly test for canine thyroid dysfunction, the condition often goes undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, and the dog unfortunately suffers unnecessarily. For this reason, it’s critical to carry out the testing at a lab specializing in interpreting thyroid dysfunction in dogs, such as Hemolife’s diagnostics lab. For more information on canine thyroid disorders, the most common endocrine dysfunction in dogs, please refer to our book, The Canine Thyroid Epidemic, DogWise Publishing, 2011.


甲狀腺功能低下,可能誘發或加重原有的癲癇症狀。這樣的一個機制到底怎麼發生的尚且未知,這可能跟甲狀腺激素在中樞神經系統中的細胞代謝扮演一個重要的角色相關。在某些情況下,只是簡單地給甲狀腺功能低下的狗適當的甲狀腺藥物, 可有效的降低癲癇發作的嚴重程度和頻率,甚至可能完完全停止癲癇。如果狗狗有癲癇的症狀,如果可以做一個完整的甲狀腺測試是很重要的: 一個完整的甲狀腺抗體測試運行內, 包括總T4,游離T4,總T3,游離T3和甲狀腺球蛋白犬自身抗體(TGAA)。 T3自身抗體(T3AA)和T4自身抗體(T4AA)也可以加入。由於許多獸醫並不完全了解如何正確測試犬甲狀腺功能低下,病情往往得不到確診或誤診,很多狗狗不很不幸的要遭受很多不必要的苦。出於這個原因,必需是一個專業的實驗室來解讀狗狗甲狀腺的檢測,如Hemolife的診斷實驗室解釋甲狀腺功能異常的檢測。有關犬甲狀腺疾病的更多信息,犬最常見的內分泌功能紊亂,請參考我們的書,犬甲狀腺症狀,DogWise出版社,2011。

關於甲狀腺的檢測在台灣. 一般的獸醫院應該只能夠檢查 T3 游離 T3 T4 游離T4  其它的 TGAA & T3AA & T4AA 據說是需要到台大醫院去做專門的檢測, 另檢體需送國外檢驗.

另外須要注意的是, 如果要做全套甲狀腺檢查, 是需要空腹八小時以上. 至少抽2ml的血液. 對一隻小型犬來說也是不小的負擔.



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