親親毛寶貝 抽筋不害怕 - 毛爸毛媽注意篇(四) 日常飲食應注意避免什麼

以下的飲食建議取自美國 Dr. Dodds 部落格中


Avoid Certain Dietary Ingredients

Dogs prone to seizures should not eat the following:
Foods that promote inflammation. Inflammation affects every organ in the body, including the brain, so it probably comes as no surprise that inflammation can cause seizures. Dogs prone to seizures should not consume any potentially inflammatory ingredients, including foods that trigger allergies or intolerances/sensitivities, such as chemical additives, wheat, corn, soy, beef or cow’s milk products—but remember that it can also include any food that causes a problem for an individual dog. For dogs with seizures, we advise testing with NutriScan to identify any problematic food ingredients. In particular, never give products containing gluten to dogs with seizures, since gluten is specifically linked with neurological disorders, including epilepsy, and promotes autoimmune thyroiditis (Kresser, 2010; Hyman, 2013).
Foods that cause fluctuations in blood sugar. Sugars can disrupt the body’s equilibrium or homeostasis, possibly leading to seizures (Wilson, 2013). Avoid giving seizure-prone dogs carbohydrates with a high glycemic index (GI), including honey, sugars, white rice, wheat, corn, white potatoes, carrots, and peas.
Foods containing glutamate and aspartate. Glutamate and aspartate are two excitatory non-essential amino acids (Stafstrom, 2004; Wilson, 2013). Foods high in these amino acids include: grains, especially wheat, barley and oats; all cow’s milk products (opt instead for goat’s milk, which is much lower); beans, especially soy, pinto, lima, black, navy and lentils; nuts, especially peanuts, cashews and pistachios; seeds, including sunflower and pumpkin; any food sweetened with aspartame, such as NutraSweet and Equal; rabbit; turkey; and monosodium glutamate (MSG), a glutamine salt. MSG is used in many prepared foods and can appear on pet food labels under a number of pseudonyms, including “hydrolyzed vegetable protein”, “soy protein extract” and “textured vegetable protein” (Wilson, 2013). These foods should also be avoided in dogs with liver disease.
Rosemary and oregano. Rosemary is commonly added as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory to commercial pet foods. While likely fine for most dogs, it is a neurotoxin that can promote seizures in vulnerable dogs. Oregano is also a powerful neurotoxin and should not be fed to epileptics.
Vitamin/mineral deficiencies and seizures. Many vitamins and minerals are important for normal functioning of the nervous system. Deficiencies in the minerals calcium, magnesium and sodium, for example, can affect electrical activity of brain cells and result in seizures (Schachter, 2006). Calcium and magnesium, as well as zinc, are also referred to as sedative minerals because they are calming for the nervous system (Wilson, 2013). Antioxidant vitamins (A, C and E) help boost the immune system and fight inflammation. Perhaps the most important vitamins to protect against seizures are the B vitamins.


促進發炎的食物。炎症會影響身體的每一個器官,包括大腦,所以炎症不令人吃驚可引起癲癇發作。容易出現癲癇發作的狗狗不應該吃任何可能造成發炎或促進發炎的食物,這其中包括引起過敏或不耐受/敏感性的食品 ,如化學添加劑,小麥,玉米,大豆,牛肉和牛奶的食物產品,但請記住,這個敏感性的食物也可能是針對單一狗狗所敏感的食物。對於有癲癇抽筋症狀的狗狗,我們建議用NutriScan測試(一種過敏食物檢測),以找出任何對狗狗過敏的食物。要特別注意的是, 永遠不要提供會發作癲癇的狗狗任何含有麩質的產品,因為含有麩質的食物特別容易引發神經系統的疾病,這其中當然包括癲癇,並且, 含有麩質的食物也會促進自身免疫性甲狀腺炎(Kresser,2010;海曼,2013年)

另外任何會引起血糖波動的食物也應該要避免。糖可以破壞身體的平衡和動態平衡,可能導致癲癇發作(威爾遜,2013年)。避免給癲癇傾向的狗, 高碳水化合物的食品, 所有會引發高血糖指數(GI)的食物都應該避免, 這其中包括蜂蜜,糖,白米飯,小麥,玉米,白土豆,胡蘿蔔和豌豆。

含谷氨酸及天門冬氨酸的食物。谷氨酸和天冬氨酸是兩個興奮性的非必需氨基酸(Stafstrom,2004;威爾遜,2013年)。含高量氨基酸的食物包括:穀物,特別是小麥,大麥和燕麥;所有的牛​​奶產品(羊奶不在其中,羊奶低得多);豆類,特別是大豆,平托,利馬,黑色,藏青色和扁豆;堅果,尤其是花生,腰果和開心果;種子,包括葵花子,南瓜; 阿斯巴甜,如阿斯巴甜和甜均等任何食物;兔子;火雞;和味精(MSG),谷氨酰胺鹽。味精在許多加工食品中使用,並且可以根據一些假名,包括“水解植物蛋白”,“大豆蛋白提取物”和“紋理植物蛋白”(威爾遜,2013年)對寵物食品的標籤上。這些食品也應在犬肝病避免。


維生素/礦物質缺乏也和癲癇發作有關係。多種維生素和礦物質可維持神經系統的正常運轉。礦物質中的鈣,鎂和鈉的缺乏,可能會影響腦細胞的電活動,並導致癲癇發作(沙克特,2006)。鈣和鎂,以及鋅,也稱為礦物質鎮定劑,因為它們可平靜神經系統(威爾遜,2013年)。抗氧化的維生素(A,C和E)有助於增強免疫系統,對抗炎症。然後, 或許防止癲癇發作最重要的一個維他命就是維生素B群.

基本上, 我自己目前的經驗是. 盡可能用鮮食可以避免掉這些敏感的食物. 如果不行, 那就只好選擇煮好的鮮食或是坊間有全肉類的乾飼料. 要注意這些飼料中是否有使用迷迭香跟牛至(因為真的很多都有)

另外在食物當中最好加入一些抗氧化的補充品例如寵物使用的OPC 與 綜合維它命. 另外有樣東西是美國 Dr.Dodds 極推薦給癲癇狗食用的補充品就是 Gelatin. 就是台灣說的吉拉丁. 但是要動物做成的也就是牛或是豬. 根據 Dr. Dodds, Gelatin 是保護腦部與狗狗身體系統神經系統正常的一個很有效的補充品. 這點我就留到下一篇文中再分享. Gelatin 不可買做甜點果凍使用的, 要買人食用保養等級. 我是從美國的網站購入. 如有需要知道哪個牌子的朋友, 再留言給我或私下聯絡吧.


  1. 您好,近日我的狗狗頻繁癲癇,想跟你請教Gelatin的牌子。謝謝��
    看到你的文章 讓我更了解這個症狀 謝謝

  2. 您好,我的狗狗也飽受癲癇所苦,近日幾乎每天都發作,想詢問您關於吉拉丁的牌子,非常感謝!

  3. 你好,我也想了解有關吉拉丁,狗狗也有癲癇

  4. 你好!想請問一下給狗狗食用的Gelatin牌子,謝謝你!

  5. 您好 我想請問有沒有推薦的飼料 因為找的好辛苦

  6. 想知道多些Gelatin補充品的資料,謝謝

  7. 我也想知道吉拉丁的牌子,謝謝




親親毛寶貝抽筋不害怕 毛爸毛媽注意篇 (三) 有關於甲狀腺

親親毛寶貝抽筋不害怕 毛爸毛媽注意篇 (一)