親親毛寶貝 抽筋不害怕 - 毛孩子抽筋癲癇與腸胃道的關係

下面的文章原文取於 Dr. Dodds' 部落格中的文章其中一段

腸胃道健康的重要性與整體胃腸(GI)的平衡系統可以說是動物整體健康的主要扮演者, 這樣的說法一點都不言過其實。此外,在腸道微生物菌群的失衡也可能導致癲癇發作。這樣的狀況被稱為“腹部型癲癇”,這是由於腸 - 腦是相連結的關係所導致。腹型癲癇的發作是因為腸道不健康的微生物環境產生毒素而這些毒素會經由血液系統進入大腦。

此外,被稱為培氏斑塊(指在迴腸(ileum)的淋巴組織), 這裡是腸道系統連結淋巴統的地方, 這個地方與大腦的神經束和纖維系統都緊緊相連, 因此腸道敏感可能導致癲癇這樣發作. 許多獸醫不知道腸胃道與大腦的關係因此無法下正確的診斷, 當然也不會將腸胃道的不適視為癲癇發作的原因之一.大部分的獸醫對於癲癇僅看脖子以上的區域, 而不考慮整體發生的原因.如果狗狗有癲癇的症狀並結合潰瘍性的大腸炎(血便/黏液性腹瀉/腹痛),並伴隨著瘋狂的瘙癢或胃腸道的麻煩(例如,便秘和/或腹瀉),他可有腹型癲癇。

Could Seizures Originate in the Gut?

The importance of maintaining gut health and the role played by a compromised gastrointestinal (GI) system in leading to a whole host of medical conditions cannot be overstated.  Further, imbalances in intestinal microbial flora can also produce seizures. The condition is known as “abdominal epilepsy” and it occurs due to the gut-brain connection. Abdominal epilepsy occurs when an unhealthy microbial environment in the gut creates toxins that cross into the brain. In addition, sections of the intestine known as Peyer's patch, where the gut connects with the lymphatic system, are closely associated with nerve bundles and fibers directly connected with the brain, so intestinal irritation may result in seizures via this pathway. Many veterinarians misdiagnose and so do not treat this type of seizure because rather than looking in the gut, they only look at the patient “from the neck up.” If a dog suffers from seizures in combination with lucrative colitis, manic itching or GI trouble (e.g., constipation and/or diarrhea) he may have abdominal epilepsy.



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